Is your enjoyment of life affected by troubling symptoms or pain that could be caused by postural problems and stressful thinking? Andrea is dedicated to helping you to manage your pain and to be more balanced in your body alignment. You can learn how to be pain free, calm and revitalised by learning the Alexander Technique and get to the root cause of your problems.
Andrea Hughes MSTAT

If you worry about pain, bad posture, losing mobility & confidence, then the Alexander Technique can help you to regain what has been lost...
The AT is a mental discipline that teaches how to let go of tension in your body and how to enable you to move with ease and less effort. We get used to doing the same thing in the same way, and it’s hard to not make the same kinds of choices we are in the habit of making – the ones we are used to making without thinking about it. Learning the AT promotes a greater awareness between your thinking and the reactions within your body, helping you to understand how and when your problems occur and giving you the tools to change what you do and how you do it.
The Alexander Technique is a skill that teaches you how to move with ease and how to live
your life without hurting yourself. We all push ourselves, often at the expense of our
physical and mental health. By learning to understand your reactions to the stresses of life
and to move your body in a more efficient way, you will learn how to regain control and find
a solution to your problems.
Read more about how the Alexander Technique works along with the many health benefits of adopting it's teaching in your every day life.
Improve your posture, mobility, confidence and help ease your pain.
During a lesson, you will experience a way of moving that requires less effort and will be able to apply this to everything that you do. You are fully clothed and I will guide you with verbal instructions or a light touch. A lesson is bespoke to your requirements.
The AT is about learning to have your attention on you while your attention is directed elsewhere (to your work, screen, activity or another person). You can then choose to move with less tension, disturbance and a greater sense of self.

The AT brings enormous improvements to chronic back conditions and helps to deal with stress. The AT boosts wellbeing and performance and is effective at managing chronic pain. By improving balance, posture and coordination, it increases efficiency in daily life and helps to increase energy and mobility.
It is likely that you have found this page looking for help to feel xyz or perhaps you are an employer looking to help the comfort and in turn efficiency of your team.
Anyone and everyone can benefit from incorporating AT teachings into their every day life. Any age, any profession, any circumstance. Perhaps you’re predominantly sat down for the majority of your day, or maybe you are active and always physically busy. Whether you work at a desk or you’re always on the go the Alexander Technique can help.
From labourers lifting heavy weights, a parent/childminder lifting growing children or office staff at desks - the chances are you have formed habits that are not serving you well.

I am a firm believer in looking at the root cause of problems to find a long lasting solution. My aim is to help people to be pain free and to feel more empowered
and able to take control of their well being. I know how to help you to feel better
at work and how to support yourself during times of stress.
In life, we cannot always change our environment but we can certainly choose how
we respond to it. Being comfortable in your body and having a renewed self confidence
is possible for everyone. As my students tell me, this is a complete re-set and it helps
them to enjoy the week ahead with a fresh perspective.
Read more about my story and what led me to the Alexander Technique.

16 Osborne Road, Altrincham,
Cheshire, WA13 8EU
07763 103 311
There are parking restrictions on the street
0930 - 1500 Monday - Saturday.
There is 2 hour parking in a local street. Please contact me for details.
Wellington Road, Fallowfield, M14 6EQ
Every third Saturday of the month
1400 - 1600 (term times).
1 Bourne Street, Wilmslow, Cheshire Sk9 5HD
Monday 1900 - 2030 (term times).
I offer a variety of times and days for appointments at my home clinic.
Click below to book or enquire.
3 years ago I suffered with sever neck pain, I contacted my GP, I had x rays which showed Arthritis . I saw physiotherapist both on the NHS and privately for 5 months. The result was slight intermittent improvement. I then consulted a Neuro surgeon who arranged an MRI scan again showing Arthritis. His advice was before any further treatment that I should consult an ‘Alexandra Teacher ‘as my neck problem would keep returning due to my posture which was so out of line.
I contacted Andrea Hughes and started sessions once a week. After around 6 sessions I noticed an reduction in the amount of pain and increased mobility. The more I followed the method the more I could control the pain. After 5 months I was able to be completely pain free but after 70 years of bad posture I sometimes slip into my old ways and yes the pain returns but now I have full control and can get my pain free life back with very little effort. Finding the Alexandra technique I can say has changed my life not only has it cured my neck problems but also many other little niggly aches. Andrea has taught me an awareness of my own ability to control my own body, this has been life changing for me and I will always be so grateful.
I’ve been seeing Andrea for around a year and highly recommend her. I’ve noticed significant improvements in my shoulder pain and she has a great holistic, calming approach.
I have been attending Andreas Alexander technique class for 12m and the difference it’s made has been amazing. The pain in my shoulders and middle of my back have eased, I have learnt of the importance of how to sit, walk drive and stand. I’ve also found Andrea to be the most lovely teacher and I come out walking tall and feeling so relaxed. I can’t recommend her highly enough.
Andrea's class has had a huge impact on my health and wellbeing. My Mental health in particular as well as eradicating some terrible aches and pains. I started the class when I was going through a truly horrible time and it really helped me get through, to focus on me for a while and bring some calm. If you haven't tried AT before I suggest you try it.
Massive help with lower back pain and my ability to deal with day to day stress aand tension in work. Learnt a great deal about myself and find the sessions themselves cathartic as well as educational.
Andrea’s Alexander Technique classes have been a joy to attend, mixing quiet, reflective moments with insights into how to live a more easeful life. Her calm, reassuring manner helps to establish a welcoming environment.
Compaints Procedure
If you have a complaint or concern about any aspect of your treatment, please let me know
as soon as possible.
Please give me full details of your complaint and I will undertake to treat it seriously, deal
with it promptly and learn from it by reviewing or, if appropriate, improving my standards.
Make your complaint to me either in person, by phone, by letter or in an email to andreahugat@gmail.com.
I will investigate your complaint during the following few days and will aim to:-
1. Find out what happened and what went wrong
2. Make sure you receive an explanation and an apology if this is appropriate
3. Identify what I can do to ensure that this problem does not arise again
Raising concerns with my professional register
I am professionally registered with STAT
If you feel uncomfortable complaining directly to me or do not feel that your
complaint has been resolved to your satisfaction, you can find information on raising concerns with STAT here: https://alexandertechnique.co.uk/
STAT can also be contacted on 020 8885 6524 and by email at stat@alexandertechnique.co.uk