The AT is the ultimate method for improving well-being within the workplace as it addresses physical strains and stress related tension. I can supply workshops in groups or 1-1 lessons within your organisation to suit most budgets. The AT can address the habitual contraction of the neck and teach your staff how to hold a phone, how to position their head, and ultimately, how to re-establish better posture and ease in their body resulting in less pain, less days off work and improved well-being in the work place. It can help to teach your staff how to lift safely, drive without tension and to safely work at their desk. If your requirement isn’t listed here call for a chat to find out how I can help your staff to be healthier, happier and more effective:
Computing and desk work; check how to set up your work space ergonomically and how to take care of your back, neck and wrists
Learn how to drive without strain
Learn how to avoid injuries and increase their comfort at work
How to lift and bend safely
Improve your business presentation skills including vocal work
Improve confidence by addressing postural issues and use your body language for maximum presence
Improve anxiety and stress related conditions caused by tension and poor posture
The AT is a simple and practical method that can be learnt by anyone.
Would you like a happier, healthier
& more productive