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Many people, often live in a state of almost permanent muscle tension without realising it. If you are like most people, your body is likely stuck in tense muscle patterns that may be causing you problems, from back pain to headaches even to  anxiety. The Alexander Technique (AT) can teach you to unlearn these stuck patterns so you can move through your life with more ease and much less pain. By understanding yourself and becoming more mindful, you can then put this into practice for yourself. Mostly, people don’t realise that they are tensing a part of themselves in response to stress or moving in such a way that’s not helpful but having the ability to identify the root cause of a problem brings a solution that lasts. This is ultimately a system of self analysis which leads to self care in every day functioning.


The AT is a mental discipline that teaches how to let go of tension in your body and how to enable you to move with ease and less effort.  We get used to doing the same thing in the same way, and it’s hard to not make the same kinds of choices we are in the habit of making – the ones we are used to making without thinking about it. Learning the AT promotes a greater awareness between your thinking and the reactions within your body, helping you to understand how and when your problems occur and giving you the tools to change what you do and how you do it.

It is likely that
you have found this page looking for help with anxiety, stress or pain.

Often people who work in high-skill, high-stress professions spend most of the time living on their mental side, working hard and pushing themselves even harder. We ignore our body until it begins to complain. The AT teaches how the mind can be used to change how we function physically, mentally and emotionally and increase productivity. By changing how you think, you learn how to handle stress better, alleviate pain and improve performance. During AT lessons, you begin to notice the physical reactions associated with your thoughts and emotions. If you notice that you hold your breath, tense your shoulders and stiffen your neck in response to stress you can learn to let go of these reactions and change the way you hold your body. A different approach, one without  excess tension and contraction, can make even difficult tasks seem easier to do and more enjoyable.

People sometimes worry about giving up their usual way of being as it seems that this way has been successful so far and a different, more calm way, may not help them to be as productive. Being able to work hard and not overuse muscles or tendons that are not required, however,  is beneficial to thinking clearly and not becoming uncomfortable physically which, is of itself, a distraction.

Whilst the AT is relaxing, it is not about relaxation but about learning to use the appropriate tension required for the job at hand. For instance, we may unconsciously pull our shoulders in and up with force when concentrating but this isn’t required when sending an email. It promotes a feeling of calm which can be carried forwards into your life and applied in most situations which is beneficial to your well-being.


Injuries and body issues can be resolved even more completely with lessons in the Alexander Technique as you begin to work with your body and understand how to bring about balance. It is a movement re-education that is easy and enjoyable to learn.


The AT is used to address a variety of conditions, from musculoskeletal pain and repetitive strain injuries to breathing problems and balance issues. Many musicians and actors use it to help enhance their performance and to avoid injury. It is also highly effective at helping business professionals appear more confident, cope with the challenges of presenting and to reduce the harmful physical reactions to stress that come with a high powered job. 


There are many health benefits to learning the Technique but it can notably help with bringing an overall sense of well-being, reduced pain and stress levels. Lessons teach you:


  • How to comfortably sit up straight or stand without strain

  • How to become more attuned to the body's warning signs of tension and compression.

  • How to be more calm and react to life’s challenges in a softer way


The improvements you may experience will be personal to you and your body but may include:


  • Reduced back pain, stiff neck and shoulder pain

  • Reduced pain from repetitive strain injury or carpel tunnel syndrome

  • Improved posture

  • Improved performance and prevention of injury in music, drama and sport

  • Enhanced business presentation skills including vocal work 

  • Improved balance in Parkinson’s disease 

  • Improved anxiety and stress related conditions

  • Increased mobility particularly after surgery or injury



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